Monday, December 18, 2017


We all have dreams.

Something we strive for.

I dreamed of writing a book and becoming as popular as Stephen King.

Then J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.

I figured if she could do it, why not me?

More people need to follow their dreams, not let Reality interfere. Life is already hard enough without losing our dreams to harsh reality.

I finally realized at least part of my dream--publishing a book--in 2015. It didn't take off, but did gained a few followers. The following three books were all in the same series. There are four more books in this serial.

I'm putting out another book in the Voice realm. I have three in my head so far for this series.

I still dream of writing that one book that will fling me into stardom, but I realize that may never happen. But I may still earn a living from my books by sheer volume of books.  I've been told that sometime an author doesn't make it until they have out a lot of books, put their name out there.

One way or another I'm determined to get my name out there and recognized. I will be famous even if it takes me until I'm hundred. Dreams should never be given up on.

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