Monday, February 12, 2018

Closet Pack Rat

Organizing life has similarities to organizing a closet.

You have to find a place for everything and make it look neat.

I realize my closet's not tidy and neither is my life.

So I decided to take a step and do my closet.

I have a closet organizer on the way and I've put some things in bins to go through at a later date. When I moved I got rid of a lot of stuff but I realized I still had baggage. :)

I'm a closet hoarder, in more than one way. I've been called a pack rat.

It's a common trait in my family.

I have a tendency to keep things that I should let go of.  They don't fit anymore but they have good memories and I think 'maybe'. But you know we can't go back. Nothing stays the same.

We have to move forward.

Sometimes we need outside things to help us organize and let go.  Hence the closet organizer I have coming. If my stuff doesn't fit, then I need to let it go.

Life is the same way, if it doesn't fit anymore don't hold on to it because of  'maybes'. 

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