The pandemic has effected a lot of things and delayed many.
My next Fallborn book, The Dragon's Keeper, should be out soon. It's been sitting in proofreading land. So it may not be published until next year if a reader/editor is not found.
TDK is more on the magical side than TLDK which had mental powers. Each book is set in a different dragon-affected world. Dragons had or have influenced that world's culture. In all the stories, the dragon and their companion have an impact on said world and bring about change, change that is long over due.
These books are not romance. There are relationships but not of the romantic kind. Not everything is about sex. One can have a close relationship without jumping into bed--or other places--with someone for more than sleep. The story, the journey, is the thing.
women who are true to themselves and the dragons who appreciates them the way they are.
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